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Recreation Department

It is the mission of the Town of Highlands Recreation Department to provide an opportunity for every resident, young and old, to have an activity to actively participate in. We will work hard to reach out to the community to see what activities interest you and then find ways to provide those programs. Please see the list of current activities being offered below. If you have any questions about them, or have ideas for different activities, please do not hesitate to contact the Recreation Department at 845-446-4280 ext. 318.


Winter Activities:

-             4 and 5 year old Start Smart Introduction to Basketball (Parent Participation Program)
-          6-7 year old Basketball
-          8-10 year old Basketball

-          11-13 year old Basketball


Spring Activities:

-          4 and 5 year old T-Ball
-          Coach-Pitch Baseball (6-8 year olds)
-          Little League Baseball (9-13 year olds)
-          Ponytail Softball (7-13 year olds)
-          Ponytail Travel Softball (13-15 year olds)
-          Men’s Softball (18 and older)
-          Lacrosse Clinical Program

Summer Activities:

-          Women’s Softball
-          Summer Playground Program
-          Swimming Lessons
-          Roe Park Pool

 Fall Activities:

-          4 and 5 year old Start Smart Introduction to Soccer (Parent Participation Program)
-          6-8 year old Soccer
-          9-12 year old soccer
-          Lacrosse Clinical Program

Senior Center:

The Recreation Department is also working diligently with the Town of Highlands seniors in an effort to provide daily/weekly/monthly recreation programing in and out of the Senior Center. If you have any activity ideas or would like to volunteer, please contact the Recreation Department.


Volunteers are an essential part of our program and without them are activities could not be successful. If you are looking to volunteer in any of our programs please contact the Recreation Department.


**Please continue to check back for updates on activities as we are regularly looking to add and adjust programming, as needed. You can also see updates by checking any of our social media pages**

Recreation Collage